Publishing your podcast

Instructions on how to publish your podcast to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, your website, social media and everywhere else.

Schedule episodes to be published in the future

How do I schedule podcast episodes to be published on a future date?

Edit an episode's publish date

Can I edit the published date and time of an episode?

Podcast rejected by Apple

Why was my podcast rejected by Apple Podcasts?

Episode not showing on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc

How long will it take for my new podcast episode to appear on Apple, Spotify, etc?

Find your podcast's RSS feed URL

How do I find my show's RSS feed URL on ZenCast?

Social media links

Where to enter your podcast's social media links on ZenCast

The ZenCast podcast media player

How to embed the ZenCast media player on your site and edit its appearance

Episodes showing in the wrong order

My episodes are showing in the wrong order on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc

Embed your podcast on your own site

Embed your podcast right into your own website using the ZenCast media player

File size limits / Episode length limits

What's the maximum file size for my podcast episodes? How long can my episodes be?

Publishing your podcast to Spotify

How do I get my podcast on Spotify?

Publishing to Apple Podcasts

How do I get my podcast on Apple Podcasts or iTunes?

Embed the media player with a specific podcast episode

How can I embed a specific podcast episode on my site, not just the latest episode?

Hosts and Guests on Apple Podcasts

Learn about the process for getting hosts and guests to show up on Apple Podcasts

Publishing podcasts to YouTube

How to distribute podcasts to YouTube automatically using the RSS feed