This is a question that almost every podcaster is faced with at some point. There's no quick and easy path to getting more downloads. There are several things that you can do to improve the quality of your show and over time, build a larger audience and more downloads 📈 🙏 

🎧 Think about your audience

Always remember your audience when thinking about anything to do with your show. Whenever faced with a decision, consider how it would affect your audience and whether it would be well received. 

📢 Engage in online communities

Podcasts exist solely on the internet. So what better way for people to find your show, than on the internet? Spend time participating in online communities where your audience spends time, you'll have a high chance of reaching them. Don't spam your show, but if somebody is asking a question and they would genuinely appreciate discovering your podcast, let them know about it! A few places you might find your audience online are:

  • Facebook groups
  • Subreddits on Reddit
  • Topic-specific forums
  • Comments on Youtube videos
  • Searching on Twitter for people talking about a certain topic.


👫 Network

Talking to strangers on the bus or train isn't likely to help your podcast too much. You can reach out to other podcasters who have shows of a similar nature or a similar audience though. Invite hosts of different podcasts to join you on your show for an episode. After the episode has been published, ask them to share your episode. Some listeners of their show will likely enjoy your show too and become subscribers.

📰 Improve your listings

Ensure your podcast titles, artwork, and descriptions are unique and motivate people to listen to your show. Use your imagination and convey a mental image of how awesome your podcast is. 😄

Ask for reviews and ratings

Many listeners discover new podcasts by browsing the charts. Ask your current listeners to leave you a rating or review on Apple Podcasts. People are more likely to try out a show that is well-received by others.